The clock is ticking on your deal. Why wait any longer than you have to? 

We increase the speed of your work, because everything is available at the start of the day. No ad hoc cashflow runs are required; we compute the entire universe of bonds overnight with your scenarios and have the results ready to go in your secure database.

Our color parser captures all your Bloomberg messages, BWICs, and offers, and makes the information instantly available when you need to analyze a bid list in the morning – including your pre-calculated cashflow scenarios. Get instant alerts on any bond matching your interest. And the data is immediately available to your designated internal users from a central location. 

Get started with our full-featured modules out of the box. If you have something specific in mind, we can quickly custom-design the look and content of any system screen or output, down to the level of individual users. One-pagers, tearsheets, and reports can easily be created with the precise format and content you want.

You don’t aspire to an off-the-rack suit, why use the same tools with the same results as your competition? Our rapid customization added to your business knowledge provides a distinct edge. 

Want faster and more accurate info for bid or ask decisions?