Your Ideas Are One of a Kind – Now Bring Them to Life

Thetica Systems began its unique problem-solving in 2008, building custom systems to assess RMBS portfolios in the depths of the financial crisis. Over a decade later, a broad range of clients use our proven solutions to  price, analyze, and report on CMBS, CLO, RMBS, and ABS bonds. No other single solution handles all bond types in the same platform. As an experienced Intex partner, our expertise in automation and integration saves our clients time, money, and headaches. 

Some High-Level Benefits for Clients

Greatly reduce the time you spend on manual work to pull in data and set up analytics calculations and scenarios in IntexCalc. 

Streamline your bidding and research processes; get needed changes made much faster to respond to the market. 

Give your authorized users immediate access to integrated data for faster analysis and critical decisions. 

Gain ROI immediately without waiting for external vendor product roadmaps or internal IT clearance. 

Significantly enhance the value that your team can extract from necessary market data licenses.

Consolidate to a single pricing and analytics platform for multiple structured finance bond portfolios.

Overview of Our Approach

We design what you want and build on top of our existing infrastructure components, then integrate with your scenario assumptions, no matter how complex. 

Essential data from multiple sources, including internal, can be brought in more flexibly than other systems permit. We can add on any needed data set you license and integrate any model you wish. 

Easy access through your choice of interface options permits an unparalleled level of customization without the pain of long consulting projects. 

Our simple API is open to  those who wish to automate calculation jobs themselves; we can also design to exact client specifications. 

As an experienced Intex partner, we can easily work with all aspects of this rich data source so you get the full value from your Intex license.

Our clients include broker-dealers, hedge funds, asset management, insurance companies, audit firms, and others that issue, invest in, monitor, or report on structured finance securities.

We enable all of these gifted professionals to fully implement their ideas with speed and accuracy.

If the deal is in Intex, we can create whatever you can think of.